Spencer James

April 25 - April 26

Spencer James

To guarantee seats, tickets must be purchased online. Tickets are available at the door unless we are sold out.


  Select show for prices and showtimes

Dry Bar Comedy
World Series of Comedy

A good friend of mine once called me "ambitiously lazy." As in, I work as hard as possible so that I don't have to later. Example: When I am reading something online (usually ESPN articles), I like to read 80% of the screen and then scroll up and read the last 20%, rather than keep flicking per sentence. Less finger moving equals more efficiency which equals less work.

I've travelled so much in my life that "home" and "where I'm from" has been relative, but Southeast Kansas is who I am personally and Denver is who I am professionally. I'm proud to be from both. (Gets complicated for army brats).

I've been taking comedy seriously since Feb 2, 2009, irony intended. I was not taking it very seriously for 2 years before that.  I perform a lot on cruise lines, corporate events, comedy clubs, colleges and Las Vegas.

Some of my own personal highlights are as follows: I won the "World Series of Comedy" in Las Vegas in 2014 (funnier people had an off night), I co-created a live variety show with Christopher Wiegand called "Plethora" that ran in Denver, CO for 18 months and provided ANY type of performer "better than average" footage for free of their performance. I created a one man show called "How to Hide a Fat Kid," (acting, not standup), and have a full length comedy special on Dry Bar Comedy.



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